FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy VARNYARD...Mr.Bobby Hill
Thread: Bad Guy VARNYARD...Mr.Bobby Hill
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Old 06-23-2012, 02:52 AM   #52
I am not a child that needs their all knowing guidance.
Yet you're acting like one - being stubborn and letting your "pride" get in the way of doing the right thing - which is taking care of the customer.

I know that your only cost currently has been the CITES application.
None of the other charges would be needed until close to the date of export.

How do I know this? Because I am in fact heavily involved in the export business - and there's many people that can verify this for you on the domestic side and international.

Oh, and Kevin, it has not even been close to 5 years, more like a year, maybe a year and a half at most.
If you want to go into a timeline debate - last time i spoke to you is when I called you to let you know someone pulled that dirty ass move of posting your facility/home pictures all over the internet on every single tegu related forum out there - with all those smart ass comments typed in. That was the last time we spoke and before that was at least a year+ . Which was breif - it's been about 5 years since we have talked on a regular basis... there's your timeline.

Remember the last time we spoke last year? I got a call randomly from someone asking if it was me that posted those images of your home/facility - and after I got off the phone with them I immediatley called you and let you know - because i knew you'd assume it was me as well.

What do I get from you? Nothing but a lot a $%^& talking from you.
I acted as an adult and called you about a dumbass situation I knew I would be blamed for and gave you a heads up so you could take the needed actions to protect your "image" ... you obviously could not reciprocate or appreciate what I had done.
- but you're still upset with me for whatever reason - I'm guessing you still beleive I am the culprit behind that even though I'm the one who called you and told you about it.

I guess the reason now is that I know the costs and how an export deal should be done - and I pointed out the flaws of your dealing to your customer...

But this isn't about our love affair

You wanna hash it out you're welcome to call me when ever you want.

Pay Simon back - your deal did not go as planned - your customer waited an extremely reasonable amount of time before requesting a refund.

Look at it from his point of view.
