FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - This ball python attack just sounds unlikely
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Old 07-09-2012, 07:40 PM   #17
I'm not giving an opinion regarding what happened. A small python escaped, ended up in the couple's apartment, and they found it wrapped around their sleeping baby's foot. I'm speculating, as we all are, as to why. Perhaps the snake was 'attacking', as the article said. Although, like yourself, I'm a parent, and I am skeptical that the baby would remain asleep throughout the attack. Maybe, maybe not.
It is, of course, inexcusable that anyone's snake would be in a baby's crib. (I was being sarcastic when I said I'd be happy for the free python). But I'm not overjoyed about the media stating that the baby was moments from death. Perhaps he was, but tell us why. Not because a small python was wrapped around his foot. I'm not blaming the media for the incident, but we're walking a tightrope already as reptile owners, and sensationalizing the danger doesn't help.
