FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Contaminated rodents, and gov't regulation
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Old 08-01-2012, 08:17 PM   #2
From my own perspective, the CDC was not very forthcoming. I actually called for information and was transferred and messages taken and promises to get back, and then.....nothing.
Disappointing and scary that they dropped the ball in supplying any information even though they have my email address.

Government health is also extremely fund-dependent and funds are disappearing. I remember a wonderful program where the school nurse (that would have been me) cooperated with local health officials in an effort to give the necessary daily medication for tuberculosis exposed-but-not-active students.
After a few years the funds were depleted and the program stopped, even though it had been shown again and again that even if the medication was free, the children would not end up receiving daily: the parents would forget, the medication would get lost, etc. I have no doubt that the incidence of active tuberculosis will rise.

In theory, it might be a good idea to have a team that was instantly responsive, gave information to concerned people who requested it, and was funded.

So, that is my take on emergencies. As far as more regulation, rules for rat producers, it seems that response to the present system of rules is at times corrupt, ignored, easy to get around, and the funding for the bureaucrats who purportedly keep track of the voluminous required records, payments for licenses, and so on is dwindling, perhaps the only positive aspect of this recession.

I do not believe that the market can take care of these situations either. The extremely well funded pharma industry tends to, at times, hide problems, and I believe accelerate testing with an eye on profit rather than safety.
Look at all the problems with fracking and oil spills, if the marketplace controlled, the earth would eventually become a desolate wasteland.

I think the answer is that we need a good, solid, trustworthy responsive government, for the people and by the people. A group that is concerned not with politics and obscene profit, but rather concerned with people, family by family, person by person. A group of people that like neighbors, is there when disaster occurs, but unlike most neighbors has training and knowledge to handle health disasters. That is far cry from what we have now.