FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Payment methods: Paypal, money order, checks, etc...
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Old 08-27-2012, 03:26 PM   #10
I think the issue with Paypal is bigger from the seller's perspective. The issue seems to be that Paypal is pretty willing to side with the buyer in the event of a chargeback. So, if you are selling an animal, and you do everything you should, there is still a possibility that the buyer can tell Paypal/their CC company that the item is not as described, and wind up with the animal and the money. At least that is my understanding of what has happened. Even if Paypal doesn't give the protection because it's a live animal, the person could still do a chargeback on their CC, and Paypal would still ultimately come after the seller for the money.

I also wanted to add a comment about Postal Money Orders. I require any customer paying by Postal Money Order (the only type of money order I accept) to send it Certified Mail (or FedEx or UPS with a tracking number). I feel that this is important for two reasons. First of all, it gives me some reassurance that the customer acutally sent the money, so I'm not holding the animal for a purchase that's never going to happen. Second, I don't need to worry as much about the money order getting lost in the mail. I'd imagine it could turn into quite a nightmare if the buyer said they sent it regular mail with no proof, and I never recieved it. I think this is really important, especially since the Post Office can be pretty unrelaible with shipping times. I had a Priority Mail package take 5 weeks to get from NY to FL, and after that I don't trust them much.