FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Bobby Hill - Varnyard Herps: Buyers Beware.
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Old 09-10-2012, 10:56 AM   #4
He said in a phone call around July 1 that he just wanted to ship them together. By this time I had read all the threads about him ignoring people, and I didn't want to get on his bad side so I just let it be. I thought if I pushed shipping the extreme asap he would put me in his 'irritating people' category and I might have trouble getting the red in a timely manner. I have not spoken to him since that call. I assume, as you said, he just didn't want stir the waters about the red. Even more interesting though was that he never invoiced me for the second half of the extreme when it hatched. I only found that it hatched when I contacted him for an update. I guess he REALLY didn't want to stir the waters with respect to the red.

I really wish I had paid more attention to some of the negative posts I found about him before I first contacted him. There were just too many people sticking up for him. They made it sound like a few people were just emailing him every day asking for an update, so he was selective in answering them. Boy was I wrong.