FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Bobby Hill - Varnyard Herps: Buyers Beware.
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Old 10-07-2012, 11:59 PM   #186
That's the thing with scammers, they care for no one but themselves. Reap all the benefits earned by others, take advantage of that while giving nothing in return. The forefathers of this hobby gave us something to grow on and relatively, he is a bastard. I'm not trying to call him names but by definition, he is fatherless in this community and obviously not raised right. No one speaks for him because he is a fly-by-nighter, con artist. Someone that is only out to earn your trust and then ROB you. He is the worst scammer of all with a history of a hypocrite.

Where are you now COWARD? Preach and praise like a disciple of the BOI and then run like a chicken when the heat is on you. People like you don't deserve to eat the crap I scrape of my shoe. Honestly, I'm glad you don't show your face on here and cower in the shadows of the unsuspecting. I think Wes nailed it. Textbook actions of a DRUG ADDICT.