FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Cheap and Easy 4x2x1 Cage
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Old 10-08-2012, 08:52 PM   #21
How I do it when I'm converting a tank is to first cut the center support out. Then I cut a frame to set into the inner lip of the tank. Then I tack door trim to that frame to look decent on the front. I glue all wood point with elmers glue and then silicone the assembly to the top(now front of the aquarium). When it is laid down so the front is what was the top you nail the track to the bottom and top inner frame of the cage. The glass sits inside the track.

It does take some handtools still.

At minimum I would say

Hammer(small nail gun is better)
Miter Saw(pawn shop)
Tape measure
You still have to cut the plexi and I use my small table saw

I'm going to be building some more in the near future(again), so I will try to document the whole process because it's better to see pics of it all.
