FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Another FAKE pastel ad from Geni Mullins
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Old 07-26-2004, 04:14 PM   #31

I'm not sure what your definition of "ugly and mean" is, but if there were people who were inappropriate to you via email, then you should be upset about that. However, before you make that determination, please understand that other breeders/sellers have every right to point out to you that you are misrepresenting an animal.

If you spent alot of time debating this purchase, you should have good records from the person you bought the animal from. Please contact them and ask them to come here and verify that the animal you have pictured was sold to you as a proven Pastel morph. Otherwise, you should at least name the breeder who sold this animal to you. If he sold it as a proven morph, you should probably get your money back, unless he can show some documentation.

If you are making a profit on it by selling it for $500, then I doubt seriously that it was represented as a proven morph. They simply don't sell for those prices.

There is a difference between Bob Clark telling you that this animal was a Pastel, and Bob Clark telling you that it isn't necessarily NOT a morph. However, I can't imagine Bob Clark (or ANY reputable breeder) looking at that particular animal, not knowing its history, and claiming it to be anything other than a normal in his opinion.

Geni, I'm sorry that personal circumstances have caused you to liquidate your collection. People here are not heartless; most of us have families as well, and we all know that with families sacrifice is sometimes necessary. Unfortunately, many people have also seen others use these types of situations to assist them in selling animals that are misrepresented. No, we're not heartless...but we are wary and we are cautious.

The animal you listed for sale has all the earmarks of fraud: an unheard of price, no verification of lineage, and a photo that does not back up the claimed morph.

I hope you can understand how some folks drew the conclusions that they drew.