FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Venomoids, the right and the wrong.
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Old 10-26-2012, 04:52 PM   #175
Dear all,

Snakehandler posted:
“all your claims against me have been thrown out of court as baseless”.

Not so!

In fact you admitted in court last year that you had engaged in unlawful stalking and harassment of myself and my business, including via internet hate sites and stated you had acted unwisely and would cease and desist, which you have clearly not done. You failed this year to get a court intervention order against me in the County Court, as the judge found you had engaged in an abuse of process to attack our lawful business.

Your false public comments against me here on this chat forum and elsewhere do provide us with further grounds of action against you.

We have in force at the moment court intervention orders against no less than three of your associates, obviously issued because the courts (individual magistrates) agreed the evidence against them was overwhelming.

It is established fact that you have breached various rules and regulations and have induced others to do so. That you have not been prosecuted and penalized for these is scandalous. Furthermore you have publicly boasted of your own breaching of wildlife laws in writing!
Once again, you are asked to cease and desist from any bootlegging or tarnishing of our IP!

Now turning to some of the other noisy posters here, the Wikipedia hate page about me has no credibility whatsoever. You should also be aware that it is blocked from amendment and corrections.

In terms of venomoids and vet surgeons, Dr Funk, with an academic pedigree far in excess of the posters here has publicly backed our venomoids several times.

I posted here not to advocate for venomoids so much as to correct false information about them.

I note that a noisy poster here, alleging to be a vet surgeon has NOT answered my simple questions about their own expertise on venomoids. On that basis, it would be fair to assume they have none. On the same basis, I assert the same person has a greater ability to make noise, than as a vet surgeon and I for one would never send a sick animal of any kind their way!

I also refer to an earlier post, where it was pointed out that it is now illegal to use snakes with venom glands intact in our legal domain (Victoria) and has been since June 2005.

That Snakehandler chose to operate in breach of the OH and S Act is his business, not ours. We will not put people at risk, even if they choose to do so. If Snakehandler have in fact changed their displays and stopped doing snake displays with venomous snakes in recent times in order to comply with the OH and S Act, by all means let everyone know.

I’d also draw his (or her) attention to the fact that a wildlife licence does not remove an obligation to comply with other state laws as stated in an earlier post, regardless of alleged training. In fact this is stated explicitly on the permits themselves! Furthermore, you seem misguided in thinking ignorance is a defence for breaking the law. In Australia it is not!

Finally, I should note that a failure here to answer or reply to posts should not be interpreted as a concession of any form on my part.

Our business, Snakebusters are regarded as Australia’s best reptiles education and are therefore in constant demand by educators and others. We also have other important activities in terms of conservation and research that are ongoing.

Most people see beyond lies and misinformation by inexperienced imitators that are unable to match our standards as identified by measurable criteria such as safety record, no staff ever hospitalized for snakebites in any circumstances, longer experience than all others, the only safety protocol to remove venomous snake bite risks, an unmatched record of widely cited scientific publications spanning three decades, citation of owner and staff as experts in all contemporary major texts on Australian reptiles and so on. We devote our limited time and resources where we think there is greatest public benefit and that is not necessarily rebutting false claims on internet chat forums and hate sites made by people with no recognized expertise in the subject matter.

Yours Faithfully

Snake Man

