FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - USARK Legal Action Against FWS Constrictor Rule
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:04 PM   #50
"People need to look at what has already happened. The reptile world has been attacked, and is still being attacked. Reptile owners are losing their rights almost daily. Without enough money to fight back, you can't win, and so far we have lost a lot. Don't think for one minute, both sides are not aware of this. If the pattern continues, don't be surprised if the reptile world loses a lot more. I'm not trying to sound negative here, just pointing out the facts."

Well if just half the effort expended into making false claims against properly created venomoid snakes used in educational displays to comply with safety rules, had been used to fight the recent constrictor rule and others, there is no way any would have been passed. I made the same comments on this forum in 2010 or thereabouts, and was subjected to numerous hate posts as a result and the rest is history ....

Unfortunately the enemies of herpetology are well entrenched within the fraternity and as long as this remains the case, the hobby will continue to be attacked and new more punitive rules will be passed.

All the best