FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - first time Hogg Island Boa Breeder
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Old 11-20-2012, 06:34 AM   #4
Look like Hog Island Crosses rather than pure Hogs. Definitely not pure Hogs (which, it is Hog, not Hogg).

As for breeding, there is plenty of information online (RedTailBoas.com has an Ultimate Care Guide in .PDF for that is informative) or you can purchase The Complete Boa Constrictor by Vin Russo which is also informative.

I am not trying to brush you off, but breeding takes a lot of time and research, not just a few generic answers.

It is something to be heavily considered. Especially in light that you would probably be making more Hog Island crosses. Is there really a market for them? To some extent I suppose, but would it be really easy for you to move out 15-30 babies? Maybe even more? I could not say, but I do not think so.