FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Venomoids, the right and the wrong.
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Old 11-28-2012, 06:44 AM   #218
Originally Posted by adder View Post
Skinthedirt (Emily Paine).
15 – You state your employee Paul Fisher was not envenomated by a dangerous Brown Snake when bitten. You have not stated the obvious which is you could only ascertain this by having the man hospitalized and tested using equipment you did not possess, and that it is standard for anyone to be rushed to hospital in the event of a bite from this highly venomous species. To do otherwise would be reckless in the extreme. Fact is Fisher’s handling was at fault and as employer you are at fault for not ensuring your handlers can competently handle the said snakes. To allege the snakes were unduly stressed at the time as a reason for the bite is patently ridiculous.

18 – Now I suggest you and your lackeys stop stalking, harassing and posting false and defamatory statements against myself and allow us to deal with our core business of wildlife research, education and conservation including through the only guaranteed safe venomous snake shows in Australia.
Mr Hoser,
You have now posted this incedent on a couple of sites, including your website and the above post and probably serveral others that I'm not aware of. You were not there, you have no idea what went on and the complete fairytale you wrote about it on your website is bordering, if not full deformation.

You state in item 18 of you post, as quoted above "Now I suggest you and your lackeys stop stalking, harassing and posting false and defamatory statements against myself". You seem to have one rule for you and one for everyone else. You're the first to winge and carry on whenever someone mentions your name in a negitive way, but at the same time you feel it's well within your right to write complete fantasy about anyone you feel like.
As far as I can recall, I have never spoken publically or posted any comments about you, so I would appreciate you stop publishing my name and/or activities in either printed or electronic form.

Paul Fisher