FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - FL Game Fish and Wildlife Conservation Holding Contest for Burmese
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Old 12-07-2012, 09:23 PM   #5
@snowgyre Here are some interesting things you should read about TNR before you condem it.
The Wiki Page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trap-Neuter-Return
Alley Cat's Allies Page: http://www.alleycat.org/page.aspx?pid=889
ASPCA Page on TNR: http://www.aspca.org/adoption/feral-cats-faq.aspx

Heres a list of success stories totally disproving your "it doesnt work ever" attitude:
Heres a PDF file on TNR and success:

Heres even a page from Chicago about how TNR has had wonderful success in controlling and effectively reducing the populations of feral cats in the community:

Please, dont say that TNR doesnt work. There are dozens and dozens of examples all over the internet from just a simple google search about "tnr success stories".
So saying "it never works" is like saying the sky isnt blue. Youre just talking out of your bum.

Im not sure where anyone would house as many pythons as there are in the wild in FL.
Maybe they can accept donations for shipping to ship them back to where they originated from.
What about accepting donations for TNR on reptiles? I know that hamsters and rats can be neutered/spayed, but im not sure about reptiles... but im pretty sure someone can do that.
Also, what about chemical castration? Theyve had lots of success in Iran and the other middle eastern countries when it comes to the feral dog populations running around.
I know it would be difficult, but wandering around the FL everglades with a shot gun looking for snakes ... like I said it just sounds rude.
They arent even going to use the snakes for food or anything "useful". Theyve just got folks running around out there killing them.
At least with hunting deer, bison, elk, and other animals, you get tags, its regulated and the animal is used for food/clothing.