FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Thomas Dorn - aeterrabyte
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Old 12-26-2012, 11:07 PM   #99
Originally Posted by aeterrabyte View Post
Well we can forget about that because it didn't happen. She did not drown. I am glad you cleared it up for your self. Regardless better safe then sorry. Since we know understand that cannot cause stargazing.

When you go to vet school you can specialize in exotics which includes birds and reptiles. The guy is legit. I search for a reptile vet in austin and that was the recommendation I got.
You are right, she didnt drown.

Lets try this another way, if your baby(and I dont know if you have kids or not.) for example, didnt drink his/her formula would you force him/her in a like manner?

Again, Id like to see pictures of the snake, not a video.

Yes, you are right, when you go to vet school, you CAN specialize in exotics, but its not required and its still not listed on your vets page. So your argument is still unfounded.