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Old 08-04-2004, 03:24 AM   #1
Hatchling Breadies Questions

I'm new to breeding dragons. I posted a thread here awhile ago about how to incubate the eggs. Well, Out of the 16 or so eggs, only 1 egg survived. The others got mold and fungus and died. I checked the incubator about 30 minutes ago and to my surprise there was a baby beardy laying next to the egg shell in the fetus position. I noticed that it wouldn't open it's eyes or move at all. So I figured it was dead.
So my questions are:

Are hatchlings born with their eggs closed?

When do I start feeding them?

I know they live off their egg yokes for about 3 days or so right?

How long can they stay in the incubator before I move them to a ten gallon tank?

I picked it up ,was looking at it and started to wonder why it died. The little umbilical cord was still attached to it's belly and the egg shell. I last checked the incubator about 2 - 3 days ago and it hadn't hatched yet.

While I was handling it, it suddenly moved, but I thought it was just my imagination. (3:00am) So I put it back down on the perlite and got a spray bottle with warm water. I spayed it and it jumped !!! So now I know that it's somewhat alive.

Is this normal? Eyes closed, won't move even when touched.

It's still in the incubator. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

I was also wondering when it is safe to handle them? What age?

By the way. I have the incubator temp at about 80 - 82 degrees.

How long does an egg take to hatch at these temperatures?

I swear that egg has only been in the incubator for about one month. I'm not sure cause I never wrote down the date when the eggs were laid.