FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Manny Frade of Prefect Predators
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:33 PM   #7
I never gave him permission to steal my picture for his website infact didn't even notice it until Diem pointed it out. which I find funny, because he said my guy was a poor example of a sq and worth nothing. Also said sqauretails don't sell for much really bc he is selling a possible het squaretail for around 900?? the same I sold my vpi for

genetics don't matter to me, quality examples matter to me

please take my picture down isn't there some law against that??

hes stating that I have deleted and edited our emails and that he is too "gracious" to make it be known public how I was speaking to him. Im asking him now, mr. frade, please post these conversations that I didn't post! The world is looking at you like the bad guy if you have a conversation that may turn the tables a bit why not post them??
you also stated that you sent me 3 pictures in the past week?? again please post these as it will certainly help your side of the story wouldn't it??