FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Brumation Questions
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Old 01-18-2013, 09:01 PM   #3
Thanks for the response. Her hot spot was 90f and i checked it with both the thermostat temp gauge and a 2nd temp gauge so temps were good. She just wasn't eating and also became way less active. She usually comes up to the front when i come home and watches my every move, and about a week after she stopped eating, I noticed she never came out. Also I uncovered her once because I was worried. She was in the cold end which was unusual and she was really cold to the touch. So I kind of figured the reason she stopped was some biological clock went off and she went into brumation mode. Shes been under for about 2 almost 3 weeks now. I know people often say 6 to 8 weeks but thats also for successful breeding and im wondering if its ok to start warming her back. Another thing is the natural temps outside are starting to get to 75f this week and running AC isn't an option so im worried i wont be able to maintain low temps during the day. If its ok id be more then happy to start warming her up. I just don't want it to have bad effects on her. Anyways sorry for the long post, and thanks again for the help.