FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Mite Problem!
Thread: Mite Problem!
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Old 01-19-2013, 11:49 PM   #1
Mite Problem!

Hello everyone. Okay so long story. I purchased a group of dragons from I thought a reputable breeder from here. I'm not looking to start trouble so will not name the breeder. They were sent to me with mites. She had treated the one with mites and offered to send me the dragon free of charge. I said no thanks, however, he was sent anyway. So I kept me separate and treated him still, because he still had mites. Slowly, I noticed more mites on other dragons. Before I knew it I had a huge problem where they were all over many dragons. I bathed them, used betadine, vegetable oil, and even some mite medicine I bought from a local pet store. Cleaned all all the tanks and was told to use a spray used for lice and used that as well on the enclosures. Thought I had it taken control of and now am finding they are back! Just as bad as before. This has been going on now for well over a year. I need help! Any and all info welcome. Definitely makes me never want to buy from fauna again. I loved this site. I never had mites and have been into beardies well over 8 yrs. Now I can't get rid of them and don't know what to do...please help!