FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Wilson County Snake Ban UPDATE
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Old 02-13-2013, 01:26 PM   #1
Wilson County Snake Ban UPDATE

On Monday, we attended the Wilson County Commissioners Court meeting and presented our opposition to the ban. Jason spoke briefly about how the ban would affect him as a long time resident and business owner. Also presenting in our corner were Dave Barker, Pete Mimikos and Dr. Tim Tristan DVM. We received an outpouring of support not just from fellow keepers, but from ARAV veterinarians, AZA zookeepers, and even a TX Dept of Health Zoonosis veterinarian. A hardy thanks to Bonnie & Randal Berry for helping spread the word and getting us in contact with key supporters. To Dan & Scott @ Herp Nation Radio, thank you for helping us spread the word. We cannot thank you enough for your show of support!

Since Dr. Hill has been the sole voice of opposition, Judge Quinney requested that he and Jason get together, review the proposed keeping regulations and present them at the next meeting (Feb 25). Overall, the court was happy to be provided more information on the subject and displeasure over Dr Hill's misleading "facts" was expressed. It's not over till the fat lady sings, but as of now, the all-out ban will be revoked, and keeping standards for the big 5 and all venomous snakes will be put in place.

We are very happy with the results, but recognize that huge strides must be made within the community to promote education of new keepers and responsible sales. Since Monday, we have been approached by both the county librarian and a local business asking us to provide educational demonstrations. It's up to us as keepers to promote a healthy relationship with the public. No matter how big our hobby gets, we will always be the minority. If you've ever had the desire to engage in public education with your reptiles, now is the time!

I'd like to quickly address the rift in the community regarding loyalty to a particular advocacy group. In our case, we received advice and support from USARK, Herp Alliance AND PIJAC, the latter of whom actually took the initiative to contact us. Whatever a person's personal beef against any one of these organizations is, they are all fighting for us.