FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Roughneck baby not eating
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Old 03-03-2013, 10:31 AM   #1
Roughneck baby not eating

Hello everyone, not sure If I'm allowed to post this here or not....

Anyways I have a baby roughneck that I picked up at an expo, he seemed fairly alert, has all his toes, tail length is full and fat so I bought him. When I brought him home, the first few days he was eating like......15 or 20 various sizing dubias, even ripped apart an adult male.He also ate a pinky every day for 3 days (I don't plan to feed him so many pinkies but I figured I'd plump him up, he seemed like he was pretty hungry) Hes about 18 inches snout to tip of tail and still has his yellow. Anyways, hes on some forest mulch which holds moisture very well and allows him to tunnel. On top of that is peat moss in some areas which also holds moisture like a sponge. Hot side 90 ish , cool side is 82 , humidity is between 75 - 90 (its more at night, because his undertank heater is near the water bowl so it basically rains and keeps it at 90 % humidity). Most importantly basking spot is about 115 to 120 depending on which part of the drift wood he sits.

Hes also very active, sits on his basking spot, swims in his pool, roams around the cage, and repeats the cycle.

The problem is he wont eat shrimp, and refuses to eat dubias or any sort of worm. (will try a fuzzy today and see if that works but still wondering why he refuses dubias after he was crazy for em the first few days).

Any ideas?