FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - ERICK MONDAY.....At it again...
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Old 08-10-2004, 07:38 PM   #1
ERICK MONDAY.....At it again...

I have read about these kinds of emails here on the BOI before...Here is one just recieved....
Hello THERE ,i have seen the price and its ok by me then i
have instructed my client in{usa} to issue the cashiers cheque to you.meanwhlie i also instructed him to include $3400 on the payment so you should expect a cashiers cheque of $3640 the excess is for my shipper that will be coming for pick up.the funds will be used for the shipping of the {Albinos} along side 3 other CARS i placed order for in care of my shipper.i'll imploy you to wire the balance via western union money transfer to my shipper as soon as you RECEIVE the
cheque.My SHIPPER will come for pick up on a specicified date that will be convenient for you.i hope i can count on you for my balance I ALSO WANT THIS TO BASE ON TRUST CAN I TRUST YOU?... P.S i will like you to give me ur contact info..also as soon as u get the cheque,cashing store will given to you for by me for the fast cashing of the cheque.Hope this is understa ndable by you.

Name in full.

pls get all this done for me so that i can fax it down to my client
that will send u the cheque..

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Not that I would have done it but thanks to the BOI I have heard of this problem...

Krystle Treadwell
TKreptile Jewels of Burma