FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info A note about posting anonymous third party quotes
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Old 03-08-2013, 11:22 PM   #1
Let me clarify my previous post (about the humor). Anyone who just rides a forum might know what she is talking about. But most anyone I know who visits this site is merely looking for a particular lizard, and only look at this stuff to try and see who may be someone to stay away from - and don't even know wtf a BOI even is. I didn't until I finally got bored enough tonight to look. Heck, I probably am posting all this in the wrong thread, and really don't even care because YOU can put it there, I just figured I'd try and explain something about how you appear to probably the rest of the human pop who might be here only to see what the site is. At any rate, happy day to ya, sir.