FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Carnivorous Plants
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Old 03-13-2013, 04:21 PM   #8
Actually there is a place due West of my home where there are FIELDS of pitcher plants. I know I've seen sundews quite commonly while out snake hunting years ago, but darn if I can remember exactly where. They were actually quite common along roadways in some areas. You would notice them by the red wash over the ground that was caused by the coloration of those sundews. These are the pad type, as I don't remember seeing the thread shaped sundews around here, anywhere. Up in New Jersey the thread type used to be very common in the bog areas up there.

I've read that there are supposed to be areas up here in north Florida where venus flytraps have become established, but I've never seen them myself. Of course, it's the kind of thing where I might have walked right past them but didn't even notice them while looking for herps instead.