FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Andrew Hermes of Arizona Tortoise Compound
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Old 04-16-2013, 12:21 PM   #39
Arizona Tortoise Compound
Here is a list of other companies with the same terms and conditions as Arizona Tortoise Compound..... Turtle and Tortoises.com, Florida Iguana.com, Turtle Source, Exotic Pets, Bill Zovickian, Underground reptiles, Bay Area Reptiles, Tortoise Shack, Garden State Tortoises, Cold Blooded Novelties, Carolina Pet Supply, Blue Water Reptiles, Snicker Snakes just to name a few. A few of these companies actually sponser the "Board of Inquiry".

I only found three companies that cover shipper/carrier errors. They list that info on there terms and conditions page also. Most other sites dont have terms an conditions listed. For those companies , they should since everyone likes to sue.

"Tom and I WILL NEVER let somebody purchase from you! You should refund in full! And we are die hard Tort fans. If you had an ice pack in there, the Tort would have been fine. Just like Anthony said above... they only bag and tag dead bodies! "

As to you Brandy, your confused and comment when you shouldnt, the weather was perfect, nothing to do with cold packs at all. UPS placed the box inside of a plastic sack then in another box. That is how the tortoise died. UPS mis picked the package and it was delivered a day late. UPS said they bagged it in the morning of day two.

Of coarse a tortoise will pee in the shipping box. After 2 days the bottom of the box doesnt hold and will leak. UPS will bag a leaking box. The package was shipped Priority over night.That is what happened.

Erik did alot of things wrong. He wanted a Radiated shipped to his from gate. He asked me to write on the package 'leave at gate' . He didnt want to go to the airport. He didnt make me aware of the late shipping untill 7 hours later.Tracking numbers were provided and he didnt track. He made me aware of the late shipment after UPS closed, the first day.He didnt want to go to UPS and pick up the package on day two after the delay, instead he wanted it placed on the truck for another 15 hour lag and placed at his gate. My package was not air tight and the tortoise could breath fine untill it was placed in a sack by UPS. I ship out, on an avaerage of 10-12 different orders every week. This is the first shipment that didnt arrives safe and sound. I can not control what the shipping company does with the packages once its out of my hands. I also can not control the weather. If a customer wants a tortoise shipped in the middle of December it is of coarse their risk. You want a Radiated shipped to your front gate with no signature required ,its at your own risk. You want the tortoise left on a truck for another day its your risk.

First and foremost, what a horrible event and how awful for the tortoise! I know Andrew and have had animals shipped from him on multiple occasions. There is NO WAY he put a live animal in a plastic bag. He knows what he is doing and does it well!!! Unfortunately there is always risk in shipping live animals. It is the responsiblilty of BOTH parties to agree on how best to minimize these risks.

To my knowledge, no shipper will insure live animals. Ship Your Reptiles is the only company that offers such insurance. Delta does not unconditionally guarantee live animal shipments either.

Yes Tim your 100% right. Placing animals in a box and sending them nationwide is a huge risk and the carrier doesnt cover it.

As to everyone that is telling me to make it right. I offered Erik money and tortoises for life at cost!!! At cost means if I hatch them then it would be free. Erik doesnt want that and only wanted 3k not the 472.56 and store credits for life. I didnt have to offer anything but did. As to him posting the thumbs down posts, the offers of things at cost or free is over now. I made that clear to him as well. Erik will need to provide me with his shipping info within 7 days from today's date to receive the 472.56 refund. After 7 days if Erik doesnt provide me with the shipping info for the cash then that offer is over as well . Also if Erik would share the emails, everyone would see I tried to make it right. I also will not fold because of him posting this. I feel good about the way I conduct myself and company. ATC was created to have the tortoise world feel safe about puchasing a tortoise from a reputable breeder and receive healthy tortoises without someone just stealing the money and not shipping. I can guarntee almost everything except shipper delays,weather and acts of God.

Andrew Hermes
Arizona Tortoise Compound