FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Illinois state law issues
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Old 05-08-2013, 03:08 PM   #2
I am in the process of developing an educational program centered around reptiles and even though I will be based in WI a lot of my shows will be in Illinois. I know a few things about Illinois laws regarding animals, one being that any animal coming into the state needs a certificate of health from a veterinarian. My question on this is that since all my animals would be the same from trip to trip (I'm not bringing in animals to sell at reptile shows for example) would I need a certificate for each trip or could I get a blanket certificate. My second question is if these certificates need to be from an Illinois vet (how could I get an illinois vet to check my animals if I cant bring them into IL to get them checked without them being checked by an IL vet.)

My second set of questions is regarding the display of animals in an educational venue. What sort of permits do I need. I was told by one person that I may need a USDA permit.

If anyone can help me out to get my research started I would appreciate it.

Steve Schindler