FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Baby Salcata coming soon
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Old 05-14-2013, 09:50 PM   #15
So my baby will be here tomorrow. I ordered it from Woody Reptiles from James on Faunaclassifieds. It will arrive tomorrow morning at 1030 !! I went out and got Coco fiber from Zoo Med. Small water dish, i made a hide out of a left over container.Zoo med grasslands tort food and Zoo med repti calcium. will be getting more stuff in the next few weeks. The other people from the store said they would order me a Salcata then decided not to call me so i called then and they told me they couldnt order me a tort under 4" -_____________- people these days. Well im very happy with Woody Reptiles, James was very nice and helpful on the phone and emails. I will put up picture tomorrow