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Thread: Bear.......
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Old 06-15-2013, 04:22 PM   #32
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
Actually, no, I never set up the fence. Haven't had any instances of the bears bothering anything lately. Got all the stuff, but just never had the incentive to set it up.

If the bears would just walk on through and not bother anything, that would be fine with me. Of course, the worry is that we might be taking a walk in our woods and stumble upon some cubs and then have an angry momma thinking we were threatening her babies. I sure would hate to have to shoot a bear, but if it becomes a choice between myself and Connie getting mauled by a bear, or a dead bear, well, I just hope I have enough ammo in the gun. I'm ALWAYS carrying the .357 Sig Glock.
I would carry a Glock or something similar if I lived in Fl. lots of big wild life there.