FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - All Roach Species Free!
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Old 08-25-2004, 02:30 AM   #1
All Roach Species Free!

We have decided to just get rid of all the feeder roaches! Not only are we moving I just found out I am pregnant

They need picked up or we can deliver within a reasonable distance to 12020.

...95 quart bin of Lobster roaches (several thousand)
...95 quart bin of Distanti roaches (a few hundred at least)- Non climbers
...60 quart bin of Hissing roaches - all different colors including black! (a few hundred)

**NOTE- The lobsters must go with the distanti or hissing roaches. Sorry for the inconvenience but I really need to get rid of all the species! Plus they are FREE and include bins

I will do my best to make sure the bins are as clean as possible. Seeing as I am pregnant I dont feel comfortable doing a complete clean and sift job. So within a month or so of getting them you will have to clean the bins. Still a GREAT deal! FREE!

I will include food for each bin. Hope to hear from you soon. Lindsay Bryant

e-mail: adopted_daughter@hotmail.com