FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - African rock python kills 2 children!
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Old 08-07-2013, 12:01 PM   #1
von Putz
Question African rock python kills 2 children!

Hi, it's my first time posting so I hope I'm in the right forum for this.

Earlier this week, in Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada, a large python supposedly strangled 2 children to death. At first glance, I thought something was a little off about the story. The more I read, the more my nerves twitched over it. So I came to the place where I know real experts can give me answers to some basic questions.

The snake apparently got out of it's cage, in the animal store downstairs and crawled up through the ventilation system into the upstairs apartment. It then is supposed to have strangled to death a 6yr old and a 4yr old. The two brothers were on a sleepover at their friend's house.

Now for my questions. A) Why would a snake attack and kill two sleeping children? B) If it did attack, wouldn't it at least try to eat them? and C) Why is there no mention, in any news report, of any bite marks on either child?

I'd link the story for you , if I knew how. But it is all over the news here in Canada as well as the internet, including the website, The Consumerist.