FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Cinny vs firemon after shed
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Old 08-10-2013, 10:17 AM   #8
They could be and it might just be the camera altering the color. Most of the time, fire will destroy those pretty little cinny loops, interconnect them and keep them from "floating." You will also see that fire tint in the alien heads and the lack of the head spot makes it harder to determine. Cinnamon is a very overpowering gene. Of course, with ball pythons, nothing is certain.

I do see the contrast between the two, but cinny blushing can vary quite a bit. After looking again, I do see some mild speckling on the rear of the back stripe that's consistent with the fire/sulfur, but not enough to say for sure. You may have to put some age on them to see it for certain.

Try getting some high resolution pics or reach out to a fire expert local to you. Some fire breeders can pick it out in a heart beat in person.