FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Exploit Toolkit Website 33 Attack
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Old 08-21-2013, 02:40 PM   #7
I'm Getting Them Too!

Rich I've gotten 3 attacks in 2 days. My Norton says it's Blackhole Toolkit Website 36, Blackhole Toolkit Website 31 and Exploit Toolkit Website 33. What I've read via google my Norton IS 2013 is saying that there is malware loaded in an add somehere on Fauna and every time I visit Fauna's website Norton is blocking an attack from this malware which is trying to expolit vulnerabilities on my pc.

Google is saying the malware has to be wiped at the website hosting servers end. According to Norton this malware is very high risk. The malware tries to load a trojan which steals login password info. So if you pay your bills online BEWARE! I've done scans on my pc and Norton says it's not infected. Since yesterday Norton has blocked 3 high risk attacks and I only get them when I go to Fauna.