FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A Garage as a Reptile Room
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Old 09-12-2013, 05:21 PM   #3
It sounds as if you are really planning for a safe and deluxe living area for your reptiles, that is awesome.

I had a few thoughts:
1) The vast number of garage doors I have seen are engineered in a way that it is not difficult to get into the garage if one might be intent on theft. I am sure you will address fortifications once you work on putting in the insulation board on the doors?
2) If you insulate and close off the garage door so it cannot be opened, and particularly of an air conditioner is installed, if your local taxing authority finds out they may count the resulting room as an improvement to the value of your home and raise your property tax. It may not happen, it may not be much if it does happen and it may not happen any time soon since there did not seem to be any permits taken out, but, there it is.