FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What is she exactly
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Old 09-05-2004, 12:24 AM   #6
Thats is more info to work with

Snow = Amel + Anery

Amber = Hypo + Caramel

Amel = what most people incorrectly refer to as an albino

Sunglow = Amel (selectively bred for no white, this doesn't necessarily pass down if bred to something else besides another sunglow)


Since the Amel and Stripe are already visible we know that it is homo for those. Based on the other things you listed, it would have to be het for Anery (snow), Hypo, and Caramel (Amber & Butter).


Provided that the info you have been given is correct, you have:

Amel Stripe, het Anery, Hypo, Caramel

Of course you would have to conduct breeding trials in order to prove out any of the hets. If they are in fact all present, you could possibly (in some cases a very slim chance) produce the following with a mate that also carries some of these traits:

Ghost = Anery + Hypo

Butter = Amel + Caramel







AND Stripes of each of the above listed morphs

Clear as mud??????