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Thread: Mentor
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Old 10-29-2013, 04:56 PM   #4

I agree that keeping aggressive nonvenomous snakes that behave the same as the hots you plan to keep is the way to go. And also, copperheads would be a nice "starter hots", but they can still do some damage.

That being said:
I do see that you live here in CA so you do need to get a permit to keep venomous snakes and that is no easy task. I would advise you against doing anything illegally because it can bring bad press to the reptile community if something goes wrong, especially if there is a child involved in a accident.

If you want to keep some hots legally, you can keep 2 of each native rattlesnake species with a valid fishing license. Remember to check your local laws as some cities do not allow residents to keep venomous snakes within city limits. Beaded lizards are also legal with no permit. It would be a good idea to talk to an expert or doctor and see if they recommend keeping a couple shots on hand (from your doctor) to prevent anaphylactic shock in the event of a bite.

I do respect the fact that you are seeking experience prior to attempting to keep venomous species but remember to keep it legal so we can avoid more bad press. We all have to be smart about these sorts of things now more than ever.
Good luck with your endeavor.