FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Calming them down
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Old 01-27-2014, 01:23 AM   #5
I've found frequent short handling works better than long handlings once in a while. And these guys are right that they calm in time. Try five min slow calm handling three times a week then increase from there. My black milksnakes, Hondurans, and Andeans I've had when babies we're jumpy, flighty, nervous. But I hold them each time I check on them, clean there homes, give them water, etc. I don't normally hold them more than ten to fifteen min three times a week and after one year all are mellow enough my five and nine year old an wife hold them without them getting nervous, jumpy, squirmy, etc. Just sharing my experience. Also for harder to tame snakes try leaving a dirty shirt in there enclosure a few nights a week for them to get used to your oder. Or use same soap you clean their home with just before pulling them out. I had a boa that had a super strong feeding response every time I opened his enclosure he went into hunt mode. I started tossing a shirt over his head before I picked him up to let him know I'm not food and it worked wonders.