FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Please help me feed my yellow rat
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Old 03-05-2014, 12:54 AM   #13
Sorry for the confusion Heather. We tried to feed her a total of two times.
We dangled a pinkie in front of her, she didn't retreat, we dipped the pinky in warm water for a few second than offered it again in the same manner. When she again showed no interest, we put her in the cup overnight. We have done this procedure twice. one week after we got her and 5 days after that. This "trio" seems to have worked well in the past with other snakes. she didn't act nervous or frightened, she didn't tense, she didn't get all squiggly like a lot of rat snake do when stressed, she didn't pull her head back, she didn't breathe heavily.
I'm not saying she wasn't stressed, just that there were none of the outward normal signs. For all we know, she could have been going nuts on the inside.
So, while I accept she may well be stressed out, I'm sure my two feeding attempts didn't make it worse.
In regards to the exact same type she had at the breeders, she was eating both. Should I alternate? Or offer one of each?