FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Which species of ratsnake is this?
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Old 05-06-2014, 08:14 PM   #6
Here is a page showing a pic of Texas rat snake....


You can do a Google image search and find plenty of pics of juvenile Texas rat snakes. Their head shape and pattern are different than black rat snakes. My Texas rats and black rats have VERY different head shapes....yours looks more Texas to me. Or at least more like my Texas rat snakes than my black rat snakes...but they are variable. And their natural ranges do cross in certain areas producing intergrades/hybrids. Here's a couple of pics of baby black rat snakes for comparison.

And here are some Texans...

As you can see from the range map below if it was wild caught in Oklahoma it's most likely an intergrade of the two types....but it does have very strong Texas (aka western rat snake) influence imho.