FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Enough is enough with the classifieds (*or* Why you cannot reply to classified ads)
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Old 05-14-2014, 04:23 PM   #260
Well, people still have the option of closing their ads, so other members cannot post replies - rest assured I will be utilizing that feature when I start advertising this year.

As far as Josh dragging up an ad from 2012, that must have been well before the ability to reply to ads got reopened (I looked at his posts). Everybody has those moments; and, for those that dislike posted replies, it can be used as an argument for not allowing ANY replies.

Regardless, ads are opened to posts (unless closed by the member posting the ad; and we're going to give it a reasonable chance to see if it has any impact. I don't doubt that there were people who registered because of interest in an ad, and subsequently left when they couldn't reply...without bothering to figure out why, or explore other options (like the Contact button)

If it is easily added to the current format; I'd love to see ads over 6 months have some sort of hurdle to posting.