FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - need help on breeding my veiled chams.
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Old 09-22-2004, 09:17 AM   #25
Chameleon keeping has evolved more rapidly than possibly any other area of herp keeping. The info that was cutting edge a year or two before can be outdated and borderline dangerous now. With the evolving nature of the info and the difficulty in keeping these animals alive there is a tendency for novice keepers to somewhat bury their heads in the sand and ignore real world experience and advice from advanced keepers. Eric and I had a discussion on this thread about breeding strategies for veileds. We disagreed on several points but we both manged to listen to each others views and accept the others views because both were backed up by research and personal experience. I still don't advocate breeding veileds before 1 year of age but I am not sheltered enough to know that it does happen every day. The problem arises when someone with no experience comes and posts opinion as fact. they may mean no harm by it but many novice keepers treat these forums as the absolute end all of info and do very little research on their own. People like Eric and myself attempt to help keepers by sharing info and experience and it gets frustrating to constantly see the same type of attitude.

I took no personal offense to your post, or any other post on a forum for that matter. Sometimes you just have to tell people to do what they want. It's all they want to hear so it is all that they do hear. I'm glad that you are beginning by doing your reasearch. It's the people who put the book time in that are really successful with chams. Do the work and the success will follow. As far as books with more up to date info, you should check out Chameleons, their care and breeding by Linda Davidson as well as Chameleons, Natures hidden jewels by Petr Necas. For a listing of other cham books you can check out References on the cham database site. It also contains a few links to other cham related sites. Good luck with your chams.