FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Evolution and venomous snakes: Diet distinguishes look-alikes on two continents
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Old 06-16-2014, 01:06 AM   #2
That is Adaptation, it is "A change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment," but even after adapting, the organism remains the same thing it originally was. Adaptation is reversible, so long as the gene pool remains diverse. Example: The finch gene pool actually contains a large variety of beak styles. In an area of limited food resources, a particular beak style, most suited to that food source becomes dominant, but the bird is still a finch. If other food becomes available, other beak styles will arise, especially if access to a general gene pool of finches remains available.

Evolution, however, claims that changes accumulate to the point that an organism is no longer the same species. And that the changes become so great that breeding with organisms of the former type is no longer possible; that is, the change is not reversible.

There is lots of evidence of adaptation. There is no evidence of evolution.