FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - veiled chameleon prices and demand.
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Old 09-26-2004, 10:38 AM   #2
i just recently bred my veiled chameleons... now im thinking how am i going to be able to sell 52 baby veileds? do you think theres enough of a demand that i wont have to hunt people down and persuade then to purchase? an other concern of mine is even if i do find people to purchase how many of them would be capable of raising the babies sucessfully? I wouldnt be able to let myslf sell a lizard to someone i dont think is competent
The answer to you rquestions depends on a lot of things, and in all honesty should have been thought out before you bred them Where do you live? What is the herp climate like? Do people have easy access to herps elsewhere. How picky are you going to be? My gut feeling is that if you end up with 52 baby chameleons (you just said you bred them you don't say if they hatched. Going on what you said I assume that you have 52 eggs.) and very few buyers. Hunting down people and persuading them to buy is not a good way of selling your babies if you want them to go to people who can properly care for them. As far as that goes, there is no way you can be sure people will properly care for them. They can tell you all you want to hear but that doesn't mean they will follow through. With 52 babies, most likely you will end up wholesaling most of them to one buyer and giving up all control over where they end up. In my area, babies at a local swap go for $20.00 from a very reputable breeder. Occasionally some individual will show up with a clutch and offer them for $10.00 just to get rid of them Do you have access to a swap, That is your only hope to move large numbers of individuals and only then if you don't have competition.

Good luck

Steve Schindler