FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A couple of questions for Neil Gub...The Snake Pit
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Old 02-26-2002, 05:38 PM   #30
Neil Gubitz
Lennox....As I said before...if you, or Steve or anybody would stand up and tell me WHAT I'm doing wrong (AND NOT IN A PUBLIC FORUM) as far as my husbandry goes...There are A LOT of things I don't know! I'm ALWAYS willing to learn? If you know THAT MUCH...why would you NOT want to help me out?? That INCLUDES Steve!! Whom I THOUGHT was my friend!! The two Emmys in question, I've had for TWO YEARS!! They came in to me A MESS!! Both STEVE and I didn't think they'd make it through the NIGHT! Steve knows EXACTLY when I got those snakes AND the condition they were in! He's been in my store COUNTLESS times. We would ALWAYS walk all over the store just talking about the different animals and joking around....NOT ONCE did he EVER tell me WHAT to do for those kids!! I can't TELL YOU how many conversations we've had about THOSE TWO ANIMALS!! AND, I e-mailed him PERSONALLY of my displeasure at how he handled this matter! Just for the record....they are BOTH STILL ALIVE AFTER TWO YEARS!! I have given them SO MUCH TLC that now, the Male is eating on his own without regurging for about 6 months now....he looks great! The Female, on the other hand, still has a ways to go...she's eating on her own all the time, but she keeps regurging every so often.....I'll get her better, though...eventually! They might have ALREADY been healthy IF there were some "friends" who claim to know it all about Emmys, that could have HELPED me!! I've gone so far as to force feed them (for quite a while in the past) a mixture of Gerber's Baby Food mixed with a little Pedialite.... Turkey-basted down her throat! It's kept her alive for all this time until she started eating on her own!! I think I'm doing a VERY GOOD job with them...seeing as I've had NO HELP!! Thanks Steve! As I told Steve in my personal email....With "friends" like that...who needs ENEMAS!!

Lennox....Ya see...most people tell me if I quit smoking, I'll add ten years to my life...BUT...they're the LAST TEN!! What am I missing?? The DROOLING years???
I could quit smoking, start eating healthy and start working out again...and I'll be the first guy to go out and get hit by a BUS!! <img src="http://www.faunaclassifieds.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''> ....Neil