FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Lance Owens - Bristol Tennessee
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Old 09-05-2014, 09:23 PM   #102
Chris Kennard
Originally Posted by Robert Walker View Post

Ever wonder just how far reaching the BOI can be to someone especially outside of the virtual world? Here is a great example of it reaching out and slapping some scammers in the face thanks to the hard work of MANY people. In the background, there have been hundreds of PMs, data mining, monitoring, alerts to potential victims, etc. In short it has been incredible to see this all come together and everyone pitch in, stick up for one another and take a stand to watch out for our community.

So what is the update??

I will try to be brief as this is still in progress. All of the information gathered by everyone was condensed into a precise format and sent to law enforcement. It was sent to more than one jurisdiction in both TN & VA, where the Owens reside and have been scamming from. Know that law enforcement IS actively going after Owens. We are working with detectives from all jurisdictions. All of the addresses that have been submitted by Fauna users have been and are still being visited physically by detectives. Family members of Owens are being spoken to and they are currently helping feed the police information. Detectives have spoken to Owens himself, who besides being 100% totally caught off guard and scared, swears his friend was doing the scamming. Owens, who is on probation right now, was ordered to come to one police station and bring his mysterious "friend". He did not appear, is now hiding, and better yet has now violated his probation.

I will leave it at that for now, but as you read this Lance & Jessica, enjoy some payback and a hefty "screw you" from your friends on Fauna! We are continuing to feed the police further details and will do so as we gather even more. Sweet dreams Owens!

Thank you again everyone for your hard work.
Team Fauna: 1
Team Owens: 0
Thank YOU for everything you have. Nice job!