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Old 09-30-2004, 07:23 PM   #86
Originally posted by firehooligan
Now we don't find any wmd's and Bush says that it was still the right thing to do.
How do you know what we've found? Are you being briefed daily? It is a big, big world. CNN doesn't tell you everything that is happening in it.

Originally posted by firehooligan
Now Bush get's to have fun and take long vacations while these families are burying their sons, daughters, husbands, wifes, dads, and moms. Does Bush say he's sorry? NO. Does he attend funerals? NO. Why should him or any other rich republican care? Their families are never going to Iraq. Why would they wan't that when they can have some poor kids go there.
Of course he doesn’t. HE’S THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THIS NATION, AND THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF. You can't possibly imagine the requirements for a presidential visit. Jesh, he didn't even attend his own daughter's graduations because he felt it would be too big of a distraction for the families of the other students. Besides, even if he did, you’d claim that he just did it to play a political trump card.

I hardly consider myself rich, but I've buried soldiers and have presented a flag to the next-of-kin. While they were sad, I've never met one that was even the slightest bit bitter. They took it in stride, knowing that their loved one volunteered to serve, and died for something they believed in. Like the saying goes, you won’t find something worth living for until you find something worth dying for.

It amazes me how you can sit there and armchair QB a topic that you have ZERO credibility with, no concept or personal knowledge of, yet throw around your opinion like it should matter.

Originally posted by firehooligan
Go ahead Bush lovers. Keep on believing everything the bush administration says. The Economy is great? The Iraq situation is great? The world is safer?
I don't have to take anyone's word; I get to see it for myself everyday. IT’S MY JOB. You are actually right about one thing: the world IS safer today than it was 4 years ago. Just pray that we'll have the next four years to finish what still needs to be done.

Oh, just out of curiosity, did either of you vote in 2000? How about in this year's primary? State or local elections? It has been my experience that the people heard complaining the loudest are usually the one that don't even vote. I honestly hope I'm wrong, but it usually seems to work that way