FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Your thoughts please! How can we improve...
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Old 11-10-2014, 12:09 PM   #13
My suggestion would be to figure out how to get the FC pages to send out an undetectable wavelength that would turn lurkers into social butterflies.

Onto being more serious ...

I believe we touched, a wee bit, on making FC more mobile friendly (without Tapatalk) for, yet undisclosed, certain mobile phones.
I have no problems, with my smartphone, except for not being able to leave a comment when giving Karma (but can still give Karma. So, it is not a huge deal).
I suppose that if anyone is having problems, with different mobile phones, they could speak up and, perhaps, leave suggestions.

I don’t have any suggestions, at this very moment, for improving the FC site. However, if one comes to me, I will post it.