FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Your thoughts please! How can we improve...
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Old 11-10-2014, 12:14 PM   #14
I have occasionally accessed the site through that page; but I don't find the content particularly useful TO ME...and, for a while, a portion of it was downright annoying (again, TO ME). I'm not the one that has to deal with the page layout; but if that page is popular, a link could be added to the navigation bar...OR, if that throws things off, the Fauna Homepage could probably be added to QuickLinks.

Personally, my first stop is my User CP - easy access to PMs, my Classifieds Panel, and review of activity in threads to which I'm subscribed. After that New Posts (or Today's Posts via QuickLink - sometimes the content is different, especially if I've had to log off for some reason).

Going back to auctions - that section looks pretty dead. Relatively few auctions posted, even fewer get any activity. It might help if that section was more visible - either including it in the homepage link to the classifieds, even though it's a separate section; or adding a link to the homepage navigation bar. I don't know how much of the disuse is people just not knowing about it; but, as it exists, I consider it a waste of space.
I know auctions have been increasing in popularity again (elsewhere); but - as Rich has pointed out in the past - investing in a more specialized auction platform when what is here doesn't get utilized, is a risky investment. Sure, it MIGHT pay off - spurring an increase in traffic and useage, and thriving on its merits...or it could sit there, still unused, despite the financial outlay.