FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Your thoughts please! How can we improve...
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Old 11-10-2014, 01:03 PM   #17
My thoughts about the splash page - I like it for a single reason. There are large pictures of the animals available next to the most recent classifieds listings. If there was a way to browse all the classifieds in this mode, it would be awesome. Maybe there is and I just don't know? Anyway, just my two cents. Viewing the pictures of everything is fun and not having to click is non-commitment based - like having fun walking around at a show looking at things without bothering the person at the table. If something catches your eye, you can look closer, but you got a good look from the thumbnail as it is.

The thing that I think could be most improved with fauna isn't the architecture of the site or anything like that, it's the lack of forum interaction. I'm not sure why people don't post discussion topics very often here. Every time I've posted I've gotten nearly immediate, good answers or useful discussion. Definitely not a site problem as much as a user problem. Perhaps something could be done to encourage discussion forum posts?