FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Jamaican Boas Breeding
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Old 11-12-2014, 06:55 AM   #145
Everyone who was offered a chick thigh ate it with no issues.

Of the 4 "pinky eaters", 3 of them ate the scented pinky. This is a considerable increase in rate of consumption from last week, where fuzzies were used. In addition, one can see that the bulge formed by even "extra small" pinkies is quite substantial. I would say it is easily as wide as the bulge formed by the chick thighs and anoles, though it is considerably shorter. This indicates to me that the girth of the food item can be a major factor in both willingness to consume, as well as potentially regurging. My thoughts are that because these snakes are so long and slender, and are evolved to eat other long, slender things, they may have trouble with shorter, wider food items, such as fuzzie mice. I suspect they could handle three or four small pinkies over one fuzzie, though I have no intention of testing that theory.

The three random "others" who were offered scented pinkies declined to eat. No big deal there. They will be offered chick thighs at next feeding.

As for the three troublemakers, I have had a bit of a tough time finding them anoles. The order that I had made a few weeks ago never arrived (seller put me off a few times and is now not returning emails) so I have arranged for a new shipment that will be arriving tomorrow. These will be live, brown anoles, and since I'm purchasing 100 of them, I'm hoping that there will at least be a few smaller ones that I can offer to the two that still have not eaten yet. If that works, my intention is to wean them up to larger anoles, and hopefully anole-scented pinkies, or chick thighs, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. I have to get them eating first. If nothing else, it's good information to know that they can survive this long without food.

I will update with regard to the troublemakers after they have been offered their food.