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Thread: Do you shave?
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Old 10-06-2004, 03:52 PM   #39
Waxing...........OUCH!!!!!!!! I can't bring myself to do that. Its bad enough i get my eyebrows waxed. I can tolerate alot of pain, comes with having migraines alot, but i'm not going to purposely cause pain if i can avoid it LOL. I'll take my chances with razor burn or cuts instead of ripping the hair out......

Its not like i don't shave often so i don't have alot of hair to deal with, i just have to remember that one extra day with stubble isn't going to kill me if i don't have the time to invest in doing it right.

I do like, however cutting head hair. I do it at work for the clients i support and when i was engaged i'd cut my fiances hair. His was simple as he liked it buzzed short but if he ever got on my nerves i'd just shave a pattern into the back of his head HAHAHAHAHA *kidding*...
