FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Inquiry Alterna Rush the movie, Small Scale Films, Dan Krull
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Old 12-05-2014, 01:00 AM   #13
Dan Krull
Here is an updated phone number for anyone who donated and would like an update. 913 709 5865. To answer Gregg's ( who never donated a dime to the project) inquiry, yes, over 500 dollars of donations have been returned, and I am slowly going down the list in the order they were received. I am grateful for the few people who were kind enough to try to make the project work, and still amazed at how almost none of them are posting negative comments here. Strangely enough, it is only those who never helped, donated, or even bought a t shirt who choose to accuse me of a scam.

Also, eveyone receiving a refund will have the option to have it transferred in their name to either Sanderson snake days or the Texas Rattlesnake festival.

Again, feel free to call and discuss this matter with me if you have questions or want an update. I have nothing to hide from anyone, and despite its failure, I am proud of what Small Scale Films was, and what it tried to accomplish.

Dan Krull